Nicole Bijlsma

Nicole Bijlsma

PhD (pending), ND; BHScAc(HONS); Grad Dip OHS; Dip.Building Biology; Certified Mould Remediator; Ct IV Feng Shui, Ct IV TAE, Member ASBB, IICRC & Vice President of ASBB

Nicole Bijlsma is a former naturopath and acupuncturist with 15 years of clinical experience, building biologist, bestselling author, PhD candidate and founder of the Australian College of Environmental Studies. Nicole has published in peer-reviewed journals, has written extensively for Body+Soul newspaper, is regularly consulted by the media to discuss electromagnetic fields, mould and toxic chemicals, and lectures in Australia and internationally (USA, New Zealand, Thailand) at medical conferences on environmental medicine. Nicole is undertaking her PhD at RMIT to assess the impact of wireless technology on brain and sleep function and examine the impact of environmental chemicals on human health.