Mould Testing Technician Course

The Mould Testing Technician unit (10913005NAT) is the only government accredited training in Australia to certify mould assessors. It has been developed for building managers, trades (building and construction), loss adjusters, industrial hygienists, mould remediators, professional cleaners, building biologists, pest controllers, health practitioners and anyone who wants a career assessing water-damaged buildings (WDB).

This 3-month course consists of eight online zoom sessions (evenings) PLUS 12 weeks of self-directed online learning PLUS field training (timetable below). The course focuses on pre-remediation testing and is a pre-requisite to enrol in the Advanced Mould Testing course which focuses on post remediation verification. You will learn about the principles of psychrometry; how to take an environmental exposure history; conduct a thorough site inspection for moisture and moisture-laden materials; use meters to quantify indoor air readings; use moisture meters to assess moisture laden material; conduct thermal imaging; establish a sampling plan to undertake air, surface and dust sampling; and analyse laboratory results. Numerous real-life case studies will be presented to consolidate the information in the course. Whilst the training will discuss what is required to remediate a water-damaged building, the focus will be on testing a water-damaged building, NOT mould remediation (this course does not qualify you to work as a mould remediator).

For more information, refer to the Unit of Competency: (NAT10913005) Conduct an assessment of a water-damaged home (HERE).

Entry Requirements

You must be at least 18 years of age; apart from that there are no prerequisites and we assume no previous knowledge or experience in the building or restoration industry. Candidates are expected to have a high level of language and literacy skills sufficient to analyse and interpret complex documents, be prepared to learn specialised vocabulary appropriate to the restoration industry, comprehend video lectures, participate in field training, adapt spoken language to a range of clients, analyse laboratory reports, prepare written reports to provide precise meaning which meets audience purpose, interpret graphs and tables, and use computer software.


Funding grants available to eligible students (click the link to determine conditions) include:

  • Regional Skills Program. BHP is offering to fund the entire course for citizens living in Bowen Basin and Mackay in Qld, Upper Spencer Gulf and Roxby Downs in SA, the Pilbara and Goldfields region in WA or the Upper Hunter Region in NSW. Conditions apply. Click HERE. Allow up to 12 weeks to process.
  • Centrelink (Services Australia). If you are receiving Centrelink payments, you maybe eligible to receive funds for this course via Job Services Provider or Workforce Australia.


Successful completion of the Mould Testing course will be credited towards the Advanced Diploma of Building Biology (10913NAT).

In this course you will learn

  • evidence for the impact of dampness on human health,
  • how to take an environmental exposure history,
  • conduct a site inspection for sources and sign of moisture ingress,
  • conduct moisture mapping and identify moisture-laden materials,
  • undertake biological monitoring (air, dust and surface sampling),
  • establish the boundary of fungal particulate spread,
  • analyse laboratory results and compare to relevant exposure standards,
  • implement workplace safety and risk management,
  • how to write professional reports.

What will I receive when I successfully complete this course?

Upon successful completion, you will become an ACES Certified Mould Testing Technician. You will receive a nationally accredited Statement of Attainment for NAT10913005 Conduct an assessment of a water-damaged building, a Certificate and ID card to verify you are an ACES certified Mould Testing Technician.

Online live Zoom meeting (AEST)

(Choose from ONE of the following options)

Field Training

(Attend two day field trip)

Thursday evenings (6.30pm to 9.30pm AEST)

2nd, 9th, 16th & 23rd & 30th May and 6th, 13th & 20th June


Attend ONE of the following field trips (9.30am to 4.30pm)

  • Saturday 22nd & Sunday 23rd June Venue: Melbourne, VIC
  • Saturday 20th & Sunday 21st July Venue: Sydney, NSW
Tuesday evenings (6.30pm to 9.30pm NZST / 4.30 to 7.30pm AEST)
23rd & 30th July and 6th, 13th, 20th & 27th August and 3rd & 10th September
Attend ONE of following field trips (9.30am to 4.30pm)

  • Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th September Venue: Auckland, New Zealand
  • Saturday 23rd & Sunday 24th November Venue: Sydney, NSW
  • Saturday 7th & Sunday 8th December Venue: Adelaide, SA
Thursdays (6.30pm to 9.30pm AEST)

10th, 17th, 24th & 31st October and 7th, 14th, 21st & 28th November


Attend ONE of the following field trips (9.30am to 4.30pm)

  • Saturday 23rd & Sunday 24th November Venue: Sydney, NSW
  • Saturday 7th & Sunday 8th December Venue: Adelaide, SA
Zoom sessions and field training are compulsory.



Total cost is $2,495 and includes access to all of the online learning materials (downloadable comprehensive manual, videos of the lectures, access to peer reviewed papers) from the day of enrolment, PLUS eight evenings of live ZOOM sessions PLUS two days of field training. Field training will only go ahead subject to sufficient numbers which will be confirmed in the first zoom class. Students will be provided with the contact details of their trainer for the duration of the course. Students are not required to buy any equipment to attend this training, however you will be required to purchase two text books: ANSI/IICRC S520-2015 Standard Guide for Professional Mold Remediation ($120); and Healthy Home Healthy Family ($40). In addition it is highly recommended that students bring their own full face respirator (preferably one that has been fit tested) to the field trip. For details about this, contact the college.


The assessments are designed to ensure you have the knowledge, skills and templates to conduct an assessment of a water-damaged building. The assessments include developing a questionnaire and checklist and writing a report, and completing an online quiz. You will be provided with a mould report template that can be used in your business.