Trading Terms


ACES does not accept upfront payment for an entire qualification, however, we require payment for the subjects that you enrol in (fee for service). We accept credit cards over the phone and direct deposit. Feng Shui students are may be eligible to obtain Austudy (contact Centrelink). Part-payment options are available for Mould Testing, Air Sampling and Electrobiology subjects (conditions apply).

All prices are quoted in Australian dollars and are exclusive of GST.

Refunds & Withdrawals

Online subject: Once you have received your login details, you have up to seven (7) days from the date of the email to notify the college in writing (email) why you wish to withdraw from the subject. Subject to the withdrawal being in line with Australian Consumer Rights for cancelling a service, you will receive a refund for the subject minus a $100 enrolment cancellation fee (per subject). Beyond the seven days from the date of the email, no refund will be given.

Online real-time subjects: If you wish to withdraw from a subject that involves live zoom sessions, that you have paid for and notify the college in writing, you will receive a refund under the following conditions providing you have not accessed the online materials for more than 7 days: If three or more weeks notice is given before a zoom class begins, a full refund will be given minus the non-refundable deposit of $100. If less than three weeks’ notice is given before a scheduled zoom class or field trip begins then a 50% refund applies. Fees are strictly non-refundable and non-transferable once the zoom class or field trip begins or you have accessed the online materials for more than 7 days. Transferring the funds to another subject may be negotiated providing the withdrawal occurs at least 7 days before the zoom class/field trip begins, and will incur a $100 transfer fee. Withdrawals must be emailed to:

Course Cancellations

ACES reserves the right to change, cancel or postpone any of its courses or subjects at any time. Enrolled students will be given at least seven (7) days’ notice in the event of a course being postponed or cancelled. In the event of a subject or course cancellation, students will be given the option to transfer the fees to another subject or may discontinue the subject and receive a full refund (which will be processed within 2 weeks). ACES will not be liable for any travel or accommodation costs incurred by a student in the event a subject is cancelled..

Credit Transfer

Credit Transfer relates to formal qualifications or units of competence that have been gained from the previous study at a recognised training organisation or TAFE that are the same as the units delivered at ACES (see below). As part of this application, you must supply a ‘Statement of Attainment which has been certified by the appropriate authority or provide the original testamur from the RTO/TAFE you studied at and, in addition, complete the Credit Transfer Form. Fees do not apply to this application.

Building biology students who have completed the BSBESB401 Research and developed business plans from a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) or TAFE will be granted a Credit Transfer for this unit.

Feng shui students who have completed any of the following units from a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) or TAFE will be granted a Credit Transfer for this unit.

BSBSMB301 Investigate micro business opportunities

FNSFLT401 Be money smart through a career in small business

Complaints & Appeals

Any person with a grievance pertaining to the college may exercise their right to raise that grievance and expect that every effort will be made by the College to resolve it promptly, objectively and without prejudice or fear of reprisal or victimisation. This can be service-related e.g. our marketing or pre-enrolment information; communications with staff, training or assessment-related; safety or health-related; or dissatisfaction regarding our policies, procedures or services in general. The college has a documented process for lodging a formal complaint/appeal which is available on our website. If you have a need to make a complaint, please contact the college in the first instance to discuss the matter before lodging a formal written complaint. All formal written complaints lodged will be brought to the attention of the CEO and will be acknowledged by the CEO within five (5) business days of being received. The complaint will be investigated and the complainant notified in writing of the outcomes/decision within fifteen (15) business days. ACES will ensure that as far and as fairly as possible, the individual making the complaint is satisfied with the investigation and outcomes. Complainants have the right of appeal within 20 business days of the receipt of the decision. Where ACES considers more than 60 calendar days are required to process and finalise the complaint or appeal, the CEO will inform the complainant in writing, including the reasons why more than 60 calendar days are required and regularly update the complainant on the progress of the matter.


All items that are delivered are dispatched within 48 hours and can take 3-12 days to arrive.

We use Australia Post for delivery of all physical products which include books.