Career Opportunities

Building Biology Career Opportunities

The great majority of building biologists are self-employed consultants who work in private practice.

A minority of students come from allied industries (building, interior design or health) and study building biology to further their existing business and diversity of their work. Our most successful graduates attract work by having a good website (with appropriate search engine optimisation), writing articles for magazines and online forums, conducting talks to various groups and networking with like-minded professionals (trade persons, health practitioners and doctors, building designers, builders and architects, building inspectors, mould remediators, real estate agents, building managers and so on).

Students who wish to work in the industry are encouraged to enrol in the Business Skills subject (an elective) which provides a comprehensive review of the foundations required to operate a small business in the building biology industry. This subject requires you to develop a comprehensive business plan – marketing, operational, financial and contingency plan.

As a result of the CEO’s – Nicole Bijlsma – media profile and ongoing public speaking, the demand for building biology consultants continues to grow particularly in the fields of electromagnetic field and mould auditing. Consequently the college refers potential clients to its graduates on a regular basis. In addition, some of our teaching staff employ graduates to conduct work as their demand increases.

Graduates are eligible to join the Australasian Society of Building Biologists which also provides a referral service.

Any Questions?

If you have any questions regarding any aspect of our training or courses please call us (1300 889 845) and we will be happy to help you with your query!