Frequently Asked Questions

Feng Shui Frequently Asked Questions

The majority of Feng Shui graduates work in private practice. Their clientele will generally range from residential homes, real estate agents to assist in selling properties, to businesses.

Can I do the entire course online?

The entire course is conducted online. Online subjects that can be started at anytime of the year are: Feng Shui Foundations, Healthy Home, Decluttering and Chinese Astrology. Three subjects that involve live zoom sessions are Advanced Feng Shui, Create a Sacred Space and Geomancy. Refer to the timetable HERE for details.

Are we required to attend on campus training?


What support will I receive during my training?

You will be assigned a trainer throughout the duration of each subject (12 weeks). Some students choose to contact their trainer on a regular basis, whilst other students only make contact when they submit their assessments. Trainers and administrative staff will touch base with you, during the course of the subject.

Are there any prerequisites to do the course?

No, we assume no prior knowledge in any field. Students will be provided with the knowledge and the skills in addition to numerous case studies to ensure they are competent to work as a professional Feng Shui Practitioner. Students should be motivated and willing to put the time required to successfully complete their studies.

Can I do a subject out of interest rather than enrol in the entire course?

Yes! You can enrol in any subject (except Advanced Feng Shui) and, if you are doing this for self-interest, you will not be required to submit any assessments, however in this case you will not receive a Statement of Attainment or formal qualification.

Do I need to buy equipment or books?

Yes. You will need to purchase a compass ($50) and feng shui template ($70) (available at the college). You will also need to purchase the Thousand Year Calender ($70) for the Chinese Astrology subject and Healthy Home Healthy Family book ($40) if you are doing the Healthy Home subject.

How much homework is involved?

Students should set aside around ten hours of homework per week to complete each subject within a 12-week time frame. If you enrolled in two subjects for example, you should set aside around three days per week over 3 months. This includes the time required to read the course materials, watch videos, attend live zoom sessions and write your assessments.

I have not studied for many years. Will I be able to cope?

Most of our students are mature age many of whom have not studied for many years, or even decades. Writing essays and referencing can be challenging the first time round, so students are encouraged to discuss any concerns with their trainer. With each subject, you will be assigned a trainer with whom you can ask questions. Remember we are here to help you succeed!

Do I need computer skills?

This is a comprehensive online training program that involves live zoom sessions, and access to our Moodle platform. You will need to use a computer to develop questionnaires, checklist, reports, essays and complete online quizzes which need to be uploaded online. We assume that you are familiar with Word documents and basic computer knowledge in order to be able to successfully complete this course. If you are not familiar with how to use a computer, we suggest you complete a course in Word at a Tafe or Neighborhood house before you enrol in our courses.

Can I apply for credits for prior learning?

Students who have completed the unit BSBESB401 Research and Develop Business Plans from a Tafe or recognised training provider, may receive an automatic exemption from the Business Skills subject at no cost.

Students who have studied business related subjects at a Tafe or University OR have run their own small business AND can supply a comprehensive business plan, are welcome to apply for a Recognition of Prior Learning.

Electricians and electrical engineers may want to apply for an exemption from the Electricity Fundamentals subject and maybe required to do some tutorials as evidence of their knowledge / experience.

For information regarding Recognition of Prior Learning, fees and applications, go HERE.

How does this course compare to other Feng Shui courses?

This program is not only the most comprehensive undergraduate building biology course in the world (1800 hours), it is the only government accredited building biology course of its kind in Australasia. Our staff not only have a formal teaching qualification, they are researchers that are leaders in their field that have published peer review scientific papers, and technicians who work full time conducting assessments in mould, toxicants and electromagnetic fields who will inspire and change the way you see the built environment. Incorporating the latest scientific knowledge of health hazards in the built environment and the latest technologies, you will gain the knowledge and the skills to conduct assessments in electromagnetic fields, mould and toxicants. Our graduates have been used as expert witnesses in legal disputes and were instrumental in establishing the Australasian Society of Building Biologists (they were recently involved in the Parliamentary Inquiry into Biotoxin Illnesses in 2018). Furthermore, graduates of the college receive a formal government qualification that is recognised in a court of law, by ASQA the Australian national regulator for vocational education and training, and by all tertiary institutions Australia wide. Lecturers and tutors are industry experts with formal teaching qualifications. Students are provided with extensive field training to complement the theory which stands us apart from our competitors. Students are eligible to join the Australasian Society of Building Biologists.

Any Questions?

More detail about college policies and procedures are available in ACES Student Handbook. If you have any questions regarding any aspect of our training please call us (1300 889 845) and we will be happy to help you with your query!