Career Opportunities

Mould Testing Technician Career Opportunities

The Mould Testing Technician course has been developed for building managers, trades (building and construction), industrial hygienists, mould remediators, professional cleaners, building biologists, pest controllers, health practitioners and members of the public who want a career that involves conducting an assessment of a water-damaged building (WDB).

Health hazards associated with exposure to biotoxins such as mould range from asthma and fatigue that is not alleviated by rest, to chronic respiratory tract infection, chronic ear infections, skin rashes, nosebleeds and changes in white blood cell count.

The onset and severity of the symptoms will depend upon the type of fungi present, how pathogenic it is, its prevalence, the extent of the moisture damage, changes in temperature and humidity, and amongst other things, the person’s genetic predisposition. Thus some occupants may experience symptoms, and others may be asymptomatic.

There are few health practitioners who have the knowledge to diagnose biotoxin exposure, let alone treat it, and so it is often missed. Consequently, there is a growing demand for properly trained consultants to work with health practitioners and their patients to determine if their house is making them sick. This is reflected by the growing number of court cases in Australia involving mould exposure as documented on the Australasian Legal Information Institute. This demand will only increase as insurance companies seek independent mould testers to assess a site.

Any Questions?

More detail about college policies and procedures are available in ACES Student Handbook. If you have any questions regarding any aspect of our training please call us (1300 889 845) and we will be happy to help you with your query!