What Is Building Biology?

What is Building Biology?

“Building biology is the evaluation and control of health hazards in the built environment. This involves assessing the home for allergens, toxicants, electromagnetic fields and biotoxins unique to a water-damaged building, and providing strategies to address exposure and/or source control and abatement.” Nicole Bijlsma

The extensive practical and theoretical training provided at the Australian College of Environmental Studies enables graduates to work as building biologists conducting audits in electromagnetic fields, allergens (mould, dust mites..), drinking water, chemical, gas and particulate sampling in addition to providing advice to build healthier homes.

The qualification is highly sought as more of our graduates are being utilised by health practitioners, integrative general physicians, mould remediators, building surveyors, interior designers and architects and as expert witnesses in legal disputes. For more information about building biology, click HERE.

Established in 1999, the Australian College of Environmental Studies (RTO No. 21740) is the first and only college to provide government accredited training in Building Biology.

Our graduates are used as expert witnesses in legal situations with a recent win at the Australian Supreme Court in a mould-related case resulting in changes to the Tenancy Law Act for commercial landlords. Consequently, we attract students from around the globe.

The Advanced Diploma of Building Biology (10194NAT) course is a two year full time (four year part time) course of 1,800 hours duration that consists of eleven subjects. Seven subjects are done online (you can start at any time) and the remaining four subjects are completed on campus, which is conducted over two one week workshops. The course content suits the needs of a range of health and allied professionals including general practitioners, naturopaths and nutritionists; building and construction professions such as architects, design consultants, interior designers and builders; trades such as electricians, mould remediators and loss assessors and for anybody seeking a meaningful career change.